Applied Mathematician

I am an applied Mathematician at Imperial College London focusing on Quantitative Finance, Probability, Statistics, Data Analysis and Quantum Computing. My research is partially funded by
- UKRI New Horizon grant (Quantum algorithms)
- EPSRC Distributed Quantum Computing
- Innovate UK (Quantum Computing and signatures)
- Qube-RT (Market microstructure)
NEWS (past few months)
In-sample and out-of-sample Sharpe ratios for linear predictive models (with J. Muhle-Karbe, J. Mulligan)
Rough volatility, path-dependent PDEs and weak rates of convergence [v2] (with O. Bonesini, A. Pannier)
Rough differential equations for volatility (with O. Bonesini, E. Ferrucci, I. Gasteratos)
[BOOK] Quantum ML and Optimisation in Finance, 2nd Edition (with A. Kondratyev)
Deep interpretability for rough volatility (with D. Brigo, N. Pede, B. Yuan)
Operator deep smoothing for implied volatility (with L. Gonon, R. Wiedemann)
Risk premium and rough volatility (with O. Bonesini, A. Muguruza)
Unsupervised Random Quantum Networks for PDEs (with J. Dees, S. Laizet)
[BOOK] Rough volatility (with C. Bayer, P. Friz, M. Fukasawa, J. Gatheral, M. Rosenbaum)
Quantum Computing for Financial Mathematics (with O. Kondratyev, G. Lee, M. Oumgari)
Transportation-cost inequalities for non-linear Gaussian functionals (with I. Gasteratos)
Propagation of carbon tax in credit portfolio (with G. Bouveret, J.-F. Chassagneux, S. Ibbou, L. Sopgoui)
Universal Approximation Theorem for quantum reservoir computing (with L. Gonon)